Cadillac® HEATX-2 BTU Energy Meter

The new choice for accurate energy measurement

The NEW Cadillac® HEATX-2 BTU Meter is the first single or dual measurement system, designed to measure the energy consumed in hot water heating and/or chilled water cooling systems while providing a graphical color TFT VGA display, onboard memory for archiving, a 10/100base T Ethernet port with a wide variety of communication protocols, and a USB connection. The system measures then calculates, displays, and stores energy consumption, which include Volume, Energy, Power, and Temperatures. Combined with Cadillac ®’s superior flow meter technologies the HEATX provides the most accurate, repeatable, and maintenance free energy system available in the industry.

The Cadillac® BTU Meter (HEATX-2) measures the temperature in the one or two separate feed and return lines via two precision matched RTD’s transmitters and from this calculates the weight density and enthalpy of the water. In addition, by also measuring the volume of water flowing in two separate lines, via the Cadillac® flow meter or any other meter technology providing a analog (4-20 ma) output, the HEATX-2 system will then compute, display, and output the Energy consumed.

The Cadillac ® HEATX-2 was designed with 50 MB of onboard flash memory for data archiving for redundancy, if connected to a BAS/BMS. Or stand alone for users without a building automation system. Once archived data may be transferred via Ethernet or USB and can be viewed on Energy Review archiving software provided with each HEATX-2 system.

More information in the following two articles:

Typical steam distribution systems rely on steam flow measurements at a given point-of-use. But is all the energy provided in the steam actually being consumed? Find out: Achieving the Highest Energy Usage Accuracy Through Condensate Measurement

How unused Sensible Heat energy can be accurately measured and quantified, using our HEATX2 system along with our CMAG Condensate meter: How to accurately calculate Energy consumed from measuring Condensate.

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