Flowmeter Accuracy Vs. Repeatability

Although some believe that good repeatability is a measure of accuracy, this is a misconception. Repeatability is in no way an accuracy guarantee. Therefore, when considering a measurement device, if you see only a repeatability statement and no accuracy statement, be cautious and consider your application. Repeatability is the ability of a system or device […]

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Ultrasonic Vs. Magnetic Flow Meters

While selecting the proper flow meter technology for your system is critical, your ability to rely on the meter’s readings will depend more heavily on the application. Every meter technology will have its advantages and disadvantages, but it’s the nuances of your system and what is flowing through it that should garner the most attention. […]

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Why You’re Probably Overspending on Energy

You’re an engineer for a big company, university campus, or government agency. Your job is to identify and implement the best energy solutions for a pretty large geographic area. This means you need the right tools. Unfortunately, accuracy when it comes to billing is pretty subjective in this field. A number of factors weigh in […]

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